This is a village service event held regularly by SMAN 3 BANDUNG and this year 2019 my class 3'2020 is a participant in this village service. The Bakti Desa was held on January 4-6 2019. On January 4, we (3'2020) came to our village service center, Cibeureum Village, which is located in Kertasari District. After that we were gathered at the village hall and divided into groups of 4 people / groups who would later occupy 1 house for 3 days. Then on January 5, we began to help with the work of our foster parents in the houses we occupied, and the majority of their jobs were gardening and farming. Besides working we also took time to play just walking around the village of Cibeureum or playing with children there. We have lived in Cibeureum Village for two days with our foster parents and on the 3rd day, precisely on January 6, we will hurry home and do not forget we also gave something to our adoptive parents who have allowed us to stay at their place. Our adoptive parents immediately gave us presents in the form of their work. 3 days there were very happy and gave us lots of lessons on how hard it was to work, life was not like the city, the road was still not good and there were many more.

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